Responsible to Member Needs
The M-S-R Public Power Agency was created on April 29, 1980, through a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement among Modesto Irrigation District, the City of Santa Clara (as Silicon Valley Power) and the City of Redding for the purposes of acquiring, constructing, operating, and maintaining, any Project for the purpose of providing electrical energy or other Project benefits for public or private uses. Unless otherwise noted, the participation in M-S-R PPA project is Modesto 50%, Silicon Valley Power 35%, and Redding 15%.

Using Innovative & Natural Ways For Energy
Latest Technologies
Promoting wind energy
Everything was smooth working with MSR

Everything was smooth working with MSR. I recommend their service to everyone!
I chose MSR Public Power Agency

Daniel Dana
I chose MSR Public Power Agency. The switchover was seamless and painless. The management and customer experience is great!
I was very satisfied

I was very satisfied with MSR service